It's Me (Attempted To) Sing!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Being "Switzerland"

Being neutral is not easy. It's not easy to be on one side when you actually wanna hear the story from both sides. It's not easy to protect yourself from the other side's influences without being an ignorant. I'm not saying this as a smart-ass. I'm saying this because that's exactly what I'm going through right now.

I'm an all-or-nothing kind of person. I'm very investigative and all about research. I've always been. I don't wanna judge something based on "he said, she said". I look for information and try to find out the truth. And it's endangering my moral roots and ideology sometimes.

My best friend is totally an anti-America. Me... not really. I do have dreams of going to Yale for college and live in Manhattan and all that stuff. But, having a conversation about it earlier makes me realize how deep I'm in right now. I actually feel sorry for myself. Pathetic!

I've changed. A lot. And although being open-minded has taught me many valuable lessons, I think it's time to take this down a notch.

On a second thought, I don't think I want to be Switzerland. I want to be a modern person who still knows where she's from and what she's made of. I know it's not easy but I'll learn. I know I have it in me, I just have trouble finding it. And with my God, I know I can.

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